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Health and Safety

fireFor a copy of the Safe Schools Plan, contact Dr. Mark Ryan at

  1. NVMI Staff participate in annual training for:
  • Fire drills and response
  • Earthquake drills and response
  • Lockdown drills and intruder response
  • Shelter in place drill and response to environmental dangers.


  1. At least once each month, a planned/published or unannounced drill takes place.
  2. In addition, NVMI has an extensive CADET MEDIC training program in which students in high school are trained using the American Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder curriculum.
  3. NVMI has multiple epinephrine auto-injectors (epi pens) and Narcan Nasal sprays for suspected opioid overdose situations.




lockdownLOCKDOWN PROCEDURE: (Any time there is an intruder on campus or an administrator or campus supervisor says “LOCKDOWN”)

  1. Move everyone into classrooms or other lockable places
  1. Drop and take cover in area not easily visible from windows; keep quiet
  1. Close already locked doors, shut windows and blinds (if any)
  2. Once door is locked, do not allow anyone in under any circumstances; ignore fire alarms!
  3. Send an email to ABSENCE with names of all individuals in the room for accountability; if no internet call main office with names
  4. Stand by with fire extinguisher to spray any intruder in the face         

fireFIRE DRILL: (repeating bells)

  1. Keep cadets silent and exit room immediately
  1. Take emergency backpack AND the class roster on clipboard by the door/brown phone
  1. Move quickly and efficiently to classroom numbers indicated on the PAVEMENT on the southwest corner of the blacktop by soccer/football field
  2. Students line up single file in silence
  3. Take accountability on accountability form and turn in to incident commander by Girls PE area
  4. If outside or before school/at break/lunch/ after school, report to regular formation positions on northern end of blacktop



  1. Duck under desk, cover head, and hold onto desk
  1. When ground stops shaking, evacuate students to alpha group signs indicated on the PAVEMENT of the southwest corner of the blacktop by soccer/football field
  1. If an injured person can be moved, do so; if not, notify command post when you get outside
  2. Adults report to Girls PE Area command post for accountability and assignments
  3. If in a restroom or office, use door jams for safety
  4. If outside or before school/at break/lunch/ after school, report to regular formation positions on northern end of blacktop

shelter in placeSHELTER IN PLACE (something in the atmosphere is dangerous to breathe)

  1. Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and use duck tape and sheeting from emergency backpack to seal openings to the outside, including Heating/Ventilation/ Air Conditioning vents
  1. Turn off fans, heating, and AC systems
  1. If at PE, go to gym and comply with direction #1 above
  2. Send an email to ABSENCE with names of all individuals in the room for accountability; if no internet call main office with names



(smell of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana or possession of weapon or suspected “under the influence”)

  1. Notify main office to request assistance
  1. Do not intervene and keep suspicion discreet
  1. Do not leave suspect alone

alertFor assistance, call main office on brown phone at extension 461 or

Dr. Ryan: 323-217-4481